Monday, July 4, 2022

Age of AI

 Artificial Intelligence

In the first 30 seconds of the video, I think that there is a collection of really important quotes to expand upon. "In the age of information, data is the new oil and China is the new Saudi Arabia." "We all knew we were searching Google but did we know Google was searching us?" Right off the cuff the documentary began to state some pretty dangerous claims knowing that oil has lead the world to some extreme conflicts and that distrust in institutional tools is at an all time high. The video then goes on to show the capabilities of AI versus human intellect in context to the game Go. The world's best Go player went up against an AI competitor to which he lost 4-1. The fact that he was able to beat a computer that has recorded history of most Go tactics played thus far is impressive to me now. At the time, this was an amazing feat and something yet unheard of. Speaking more in depth on Asian AI advancement, China leads the fray as the helmsman for the artificial intelligence ship sailing into the lives of humanity. Its recognition and analytical softwares are capable of objectively approving loans using battery life of a device applied on as an indicator of customer reliability. All of these factors have arguable validity but it stands to present the case on the other end of the spectrum speaking on privacy. The video presented plenty of the reasons for why AI works but fails to recognize the outlying plausibilities that could detract from their perspectives that AI is inherently working for the betterment of humanity.

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